Faster AI For Smarter Business.

Generative AI platform for Enterprise information retrieval and cognitive search to accelerate your business.

Why GramX

Enterprise Knowledge Base

Transform your data into a strategic asset by creating a comprehensive Enterprise Knowledge Base. Connect all your data sources—databases, documents, project management tools, logs, etc.,

AI Enterprise Search & Analytics

Empower your search with AI to retrieve data, insights, and analytics in text, tables, and charts formats. Elevate customer and business productivity with applications built on advanced cognitive search capabilities.

Workflow Agents

Solve complex business challenges with Generative AI Workflow Agents. Leveraging the GramX search platform, these agents optimize your operations and decision-making processes.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Access and customize open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) to meet your business needs. Finetune AI models for precision and relevance in your specific domain

Data Privacy and Security

Secure your data and applications with our zero-trust security framework and Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) option. Ensure scalability and security of your business knowledge base.

Co-pilot and No-Code AI Development

Benefit from the guidance of GramX Co-pilot in constructing AI Knowledge Bases, Workflow Agents, and fine-tuning AI models for expert deployment and training. Our no-code UI platform further enables engineering, product, and business teams to collaboratively craft and deploy AI applications and agents swiftly, turning innovative ideas into production-ready solutions with ease.

Use cases

Search & Relevance

Searching for relevant documents in a corpus of documents (e.g., the public internet or a private data source) is a fundamental NLP task that enables many business use cases. As an example, a private equity firm performing a financial analysis on a given company’s assets might want to investigate the company’s public records, such as public financial filings. How can we guarantee that the search engine only returns back relevant documents and not other irrelevant documents that happen to share a similar vocabulary. Relevance filtering guarantees the accuracy of the subsequent downstream NLP tasks. Once a set of relevant documents are found, the question becomes how do we find and extract entities (e.g., organizations, people, places, events) and relationships among entities from documents. Finding partners of a company, people born in a specific place, companies in a geographic location, and top executives of a company are all examples of the search use case.

Question Answering

Given some background information (e.g., articles in a knowledge base, or HR policies of a business enterprise) and a specific question asked by an end user, the Question Answering system will find and report back the answer to the user’s question. This can be used to build self-service information systems and exposed to the end users through chat bots or web forms.

Contract Analytics

Enterprises have hundreds or thousands of contracts and agreements. They need to review these contracts frequently to find answers to their business questions. Which one of my contracts will expire next month and need to be reviewed? Under what conditions can I terminate my relationship with a vendor without paying penalties? Do I have to give them a notice? When? Manual contract review to answer these questions is a time-consuming and therefore costly process. The contract analytics use case automates the process of searching for specific legal clauses in contracts.

Complaints Analytics

Voice of Customer (VoC) analytics allows enterprises to make sense of data they collect from surveys, customer reviews, or calls to their call centers. In the complaints analytics use case, we extract the topics customers are complaining about. This not only gives insights into the topics and frequency of complaints, but also allows them to detect trends in complaints over time.